Leaders invoke alchemy of great vision

Unless you dare to do things beyond the contemporary, you cannot achieve that which hasn’t yet been achieved. The raw dreams ripened into a fruitful outcome when the foundation of Flourish was laid by Mr. Rahul Yadav on 28th January, 2012. From the very early days, Mr. Yadav has been concerned about the quality of education that was being provided in the city. Born and brought up in Bikaner, Mr. Yadav pursued his MBA and worked with various MNCs to provide learning solutions in the regions of and around Delhi. However, as he was somewhere at unease with the regular teachings methods, he ambitiously aspired to change the face of education in the current scenario and that has led to the establishment of an innovative educational organization that started to provide equal opportunities to all the students alike and in every field.

Mr. Yadav has a number of recognitions today in his name. He has been awarded the Outstanding Leadership Award by the prestigious Indian School Awards and the DB Group Eminence Award for his excellent approach and dedication to education. His perseverant and passionate attitude towards inventing educational strategies and techniques acts as the key factor in what Flourish is recognised as today.In the words of Mr. Yadav, “The success of Flourish lies in the success of each and every one associated with it.” And this is something that has made Flourish, a happy community of exceptional educationists.